Friday, May 10, 2019

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Study for A Holocaust Chapel

This aquarelle study was made from a black and white photograph, which I assume was taken by the Nazis during the Holocaust.  I have no further information about the photograph. I created this study in an effort to respond to and humanize the obviously de-humanized concentration camp victims.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Kristallnacht: The Exile of the Sabbath Queen

Kristallnacht: The Exile of the Sabbath Queen
Aquarelle Drawing 19" x 25"

This aquarelle study was made using a live model and a photograph of the destruction of a Frankfurt synagogue on Kristallnacht, in November, 1838.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

The Divine Punishment for Dissent

"The Divine Punishment for Dissent, Oil on wood, 48" x 36" (in process)

This work (in progress) is based upon the biblical story of Korach (Numbers 16: 1-18:32) who, along with Dathan and Abiram, led a protest against Moses and Aaron in the desert--which came to an end when God caused the earth to open, swallow up and/or burn  the protest leaders and their households. Korach had protested that it was unjust for Moses to make his brother the high priest when in fact the entire people are holy. His argument represented what was, in effect, a populist uprising against authoritarianism, and he was supported by 250 of the Israelite tribal leaders.  The painting will ask the question of whether God, and human religion, should resolve religious disputes with violence and destruction, or through thought and dialog. It will also ask a fundamental question about the nature of God. Click here for an article by Brian Weinstein that examines Korach's dissent.