"The Sacrifice of Isaac" by Sanford Drob, Oil on Linen 30" x 30."
These paintings depict the Akedah from the perspective of midrashim which narrate that Isaac was actually sacrificed by Abraham on Mount Moriah. It raises questions about how such a monstrous "fantasy" and willingness to do such a heartless act can be the founding gesture for the Judaeo-Christian tradition.
"The Immolation of Isaac" by Sanford Drob, Oil on Linen, 30" x 30."
Discussion of Tsemeh Yoreh's research on Issac's death
My own perspective on Torah is that it poses great ethical and axiological problems that require human thought and dialog to resolve. The Akedah (the binding of Isaac) is just one of the many problems it poses. From a Kabbalistic point of view, the biblical stories are Kellipot--shells which contains kernels of light and truth that we must extract through deep reflection and intensive dialog.
My own perspective on Torah is that it poses great ethical and axiological problems that require human thought and dialog to resolve. The Akedah (the binding of Isaac) is just one of the many problems it poses. From a Kabbalistic point of view, the biblical stories are Kellipot--shells which contains kernels of light and truth that we must extract through deep reflection and intensive dialog.
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